mibu no ookami
Hajime and Kenshin hanging in da moonlight
= Chou's Corner =
Chou deserves some attention, ne? He *does* work with Hajime, after all...
= webrings =
= my awards =
If you got here via a webring and want to go to the next site, c'mon in. I've actually won some awards. No, really!
= Rurouni Kenshin links =
Animazement 2000
Links to other Rurouken pages, of course. Saitou specific links are located on the resources page of the information section. My write up of the con along with pictures, if you're interested. I cosplayed as Shinsengumi ^_^
= Tokio's links =
= About Tokio  =
Links to places I love to visit. Erm... some of them, anyway. I tried to keep it short. The lowdown on the weirdo who maintains this page. Yes, there's even a picture! gasp!
= Credit / Thanks / Site Info =
= Saitou Related Sightings? =
Um.. Just me doing some shout outs & giving you the skinny on the site... in case anyone cared. I had no idea where to put this. M'pal Mike spotted something kewl & Saitou related. Now there are more Saitou-ish sightings!
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